日本萝莉 牛津辞书公布2023年度词汇:Rizz
发布日期:2024-09-27 22:16    点击次数:90

日本萝莉 牛津辞书公布2023年度词汇:Rizz

  旧年日本萝莉,牛津辞书(Oxford Dictionary)2022年度词汇为:Goblin Mode(哥布林模式/摆烂模式)。



  Rizz的界说是有作风、魔力或吸引力,或是吸引恋东说念主或性伴侣的才气(style, charm or attractiveness, or one's ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner)。Rizz也不错用作动词,rizz up真义是吸引、勾引或搭讪某东说念主。



  1. How did “rizz” gain popularity according to the article?

  A) Through its usage in popular music.

  B) As a result of a marketing campaign.

  C) Through a celebrity interview and an app redesign.

  D) Due to its usage in academic publications.

  2. What does the selection of "rizz" as the word of the year suggest about future language trends?

  A) A shift towards more technical terms.

  B) The increasing influence of internet culture on everyday language.

  C) A focus on words from traditional literary sources.

  D) The revival of older, less-used words.

  Oxford names 'rizz' word of the year

  From: The Hill

  Oxford University Press (OUP), the publisher of the Oxford English Dictionary, named “rizz” the word of the year for 2023.


  Rizz is defined as style, charm or attractiveness, or one's ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner. It's often associated with younger generations and is widely used online.


  “Rizz was chosen by the language experts at OUP as an interesting example of how language can be formed, shaped, and shared within communities, before beingpicked upmore widely,” OUP said in a release. “It speaks to how younger generations create spaces ­— online or in person — where they own and define the language they use.”


  pick up

  暗示“(不忙绿地)学会;得到”,英文解释为“If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you acquire it without effort over a period of time.”举个🌰:Where did you pick up your English? 你是在哪儿学得英语?

  📍pick up一词真义广宽,列举常见的几种:

  · 捡起,拾起,如pick his cap up, 捡起帽子

  ·(颠仆或被击倒后)逐渐站起身,如pick himself/herself up, 逐渐站起来

  ·(开车)接,取,如pick up some clean clothes, 取几件干净穿戴

  ·(不忙绿地)学会;习得,如pick up french, 只怕学会了法语

  · 染上(疾病),如pick up a nasty infection, 染上严重的传染病

  · 接起(某不雅点、话题),如pick up his point, 接着谈一谈他的不雅点

  ·(交易、经济)改善,如Industrial production is beginning to pick up, 工业分娩正在启动好转。

  OUP said it's likely that more wordsderivedfrom social media and internet culture will be used in everyday language over time. Words andphrasesare being shared via social media andcatching onso quickly that they aresurpassingpreviouslinguistictrends and are becomingmainstreammuch quicker.



  derive /dɪˈraɪv/ 暗示“从…中得到,从…中得到”,英文解释为“to get something from something else”举个🌰:She derives great pleasure from playing the violin. 拉小提琴能让她得到极大的乐趣。

  📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:Lord Gillingham thought Lady Mary might derive benefit from it. 稳重安姆子爵以为玛丽姑娘去参加一下有克己。

  📍《经济学东说念主》(The Economist)一篇讲述2020年诺贝尔经济学奖的著作中提到:Mr Milgrom (whose doctoral thesis was supervised by Mr Wilson) derived a number of important lessons from his analyses. 米尔格罗姆(威尔逊是他的博士论文导师)通过分析得出了很多遑急熏陶。


  1)暗示“短语”,英文解释为“a group of words that is part of, rather than the whole of, a sentence”

  2)暗示“说法;用语;警语”,英文解释为“a short group of words that are often used together and have a particular meaning”

  catch on

  1)暗示“受宽容;流行起来;变得斯文”日本萝莉,英文解释为“If something catches on, it becomes popular.”举个🌰:The idea has been around for ages without catching on. 这个不雅点由来已久,但一直未风行。

  2)暗示“(尤指很久以后才)领会,融会”,英文解释为“to understand, especially after a long time”举个🌰:He doesn't take hints very easily, but he'll catch on (to what you're saying) eventually. 他不太会鉴貌辨色,不外最终照旧会显明(你所说的话)的。

  🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的悲痛》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:Let's hope that tradition doesn't catch on amongst humans. 但愿龙类的传统别出刻下东说念主的身上。


  surpass /səˈpɑːs/ 暗示“跳跃,优于,胜过”,英文解释为“to do or be better than”举个🌰:His time for the 100 metres surpassed the previous world record by one hundredth of a second. 他以0.01秒的上风冲突了100米短跑的前寰球记录。


  linguistic /lɪŋˈɡwɪs.tɪk/ 暗示“谈话的;谈话学的”,英文解释为“connected with language or the study of language”举个🌰:I'm particularly interested in the linguistic development of young children. 我对幼儿谈话才气的发展尤其感好奇瞻仰好奇瞻仰。


  mainstream /ˈmeɪn.striːm/ 暗示“(想维、想想或信念等)主流的”,英文解释为“considered normal, and having or using ideas, beliefs, etc. that are accepted by most people”举个🌰:This is the director's first mainstream Hollywood film. 这是该导演在好莱坞的首部主流影片。

  “Thespikein usage data for rizz goes to prove that words and phrases thatevolvefrom internet culture are increasingly becoming part of day-to-dayvernacularand will continue to shape language trends in the future,” Oxford Languages President Casper Grathwohl said in a statement.

  牛津谈话(Oxford Languages)总裁卡斯珀·格拉斯沃尔(Casper Grathwohl)在一份声明中暗示:“Rizz一词使用量的激增诠释,从互联网文化演变而来的单词和短语正日益成为日常用语,并将持续影响畴昔的谈话趋势。”


  在年度词汇盘货著作中基本齐会出现这个词,1)作名词,不错领会为“峰值”简略“激增;猛增;急升”,英文解释为“a sharp increase in the magnitude or concentration of something”如:a spike in oil prices 油价的急剧高涨。

  2)也不错作动词,相似暗示“激增”,英文解释为“if the number or rate of something spikes, it increases quickly and by a large amount ”举个🌰:New orders have spiked in the last two years. 新订单在以前两年里激增。

  3)作名词,暗示“尖头,尖刺;(尤指金属的)尖状物”,英文解释为“a narrow, thin shape with a sharp point at one end, or something, especially a piece of metal, with this shape”

  4)spikes暗示“(某些开通鞋上的)防滑鞋钉;钉鞋”,英文解释为“a set of short, pointed pieces of metal or plastic, attached to the bottom of shoes worn for particular sports, that stop the person wearing the shoes from sliding on the ground, or shoes with these pointed pieces”


  evolve /ɪˈvɒlv/ 暗示“(使)逐渐变成,逐渐发展,逐渐演变,进化”,英文解释为“to develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complicated form; to develop sth in this way”举个🌰:The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer. 这家公司已逐渐发展成一个主要的化工场。



  vernacular /vəˈnæk.jə.lər/ 1)暗示“土产货话,方言;口语”,英文解释为“the form of a language that a particular group of speakers use naturally, especially in informal situations”

  2)暗示“(拓荒的)土产货作风,民间作风”,英文解释为“in architecture, a local style in which ordinary houses are built”

  OUP said the word is believed to be a shortened form of the wordcharisma, taken from the middle part of the word. Similar examples include refrigerator becoming fridge andinfluenza, commonly called flu. Rizz can also be used as averb. To “rizz up” means to attract,seduceorchat upa person, OUP said.

  牛津大学出书社暗示,该词据信是从“charisma”(魔力)一词的中间部分滋生而来的缩写形态。雷同的例子包括refrigerator(雪柜)缩写为fridge和influenza(流感)缩写为flu(流感)。Rizz一词也不错手脚动词使用,牛津大学出书社暗示,“rizz up”意味着吸引、勾引或搭讪某东说念主。


  charisma /kəˈrɪz.mə/ 暗示“超凡的个东说念主魔力;吸引力;超凡气质”,英文解释为“a special power that some people have naturally that makes them able to influence other people and attract their attention and admiration”举个🌰:On screen she had this great charisma so that you couldn't take your eyes off her. 在银幕上,她魔力超卓,让东说念主无法将眼神从她身上移开。


  flu的认真说法,influenza /ˌɪn.fluˈen.zə/ 暗示“流行性伤风,流感”,英文解释为“a common infectious illness that causes fever and headache”


  verb /vɜːb/ 暗示“动词”,英文解释为“a word or phrase that describes an action, condition, or experience”举个🌰:The words "learn" and "record" are both verbs. learn和record齐是动词。


  seduce /sɪˈdʒuːs/ 1)暗示“联接,勾引”,英文解释为“to persuade or cause someone to do something that they would not usually consider doing by being very attractive and difficult to refuse”举个🌰:I wouldn't normally stay in a hotel like this, but I was seduced by the fabulous location. 我一般不会住在这么的旅馆,但照旧被其所在所诱。

  2)暗示“吸引,迷住”,英文解释为“If you are seduced by something, you like it because it seems attractive.”举个🌰:Almost every visitor to Edinburgh is seduced by its splendid architecture. 简直每一位去爱丁堡的旅客齐被其后光的拓荒所吸引。

  chat sb up

  chat sb up暗示“与…搭讪;与…调情”,英文解释为“to talk to someone in a way that shows that you are sexually attracted to them”

  OUP said the word reached itspeakpopularity in June of this year after actor Tom Holland was asked in a Buzzfeed interview about his rizz, to which he said he had “no rizz whatsoever.” The dating app Tinder also introduced a “rizz-first redesign” this year in an effort to bring in more younger users.

  牛津大学出书社指出,该词的使用量在本年6月达到了顶峰,其时演员汤姆·赫兰德(Tom Holland)在Buzzfeed采访中被问及他的rizz时,他暗示我方“少量儿也莫得rizz”。鸠合哄骗Tinder也在本年推出了一次“rizz优先”的重联想,以吸引更多年青用户。


  不错作名词,也不错作动词,暗示“(达到)峰值”,英文解释为“When something peaks, it reaches its highest value or its highest level.”举个🌰:Temperatures have peaked at over 90 degrees. 温度已达到峰值,跳跃了90度。

  Members of the public voted on social media tonarrow downtheshortlistof words chosen by the experts. This year's picks included rizz,beige flag, Swiftie,de-influencing,prompt,heat dome,situationshipandparasocial.

  公众在酬酢媒体上投票,以减轻大家们选出候选词汇的界限。本年的候选词汇包括rizz、beige flag(米色旌旗/咖啡色警示[一种脾性特征,标明潜在对象平平无奇、败兴乏味])、Swiftie(霉粉)、de-influencing(拔草/反网红营销/反种草)、prompt(教导词)、heat dome(热穹顶[一种天然征象])、situationship(气象恋情/情境关系[一又友以上、恋东说念主未满,但已有亲密举止])和parasocial(准社会关系[全球与名东说念主之间的一种片面关系])。

  narrow sth down

  narrow sth down暗示“把…缩减,压缩”,英文解释为“to make a number or list of things smaller, by removing the things that are least important, necessary, or suitable”举个🌰:We narrowed the list of candidates down from ten to three. 咱们把候选东说念主从10位筛选至3位。


  暗示“最终候选名单,决选名单;入围名单”,英文解释为“a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job or prize, made from a longer list of people originally considered, and from which one person will be chosen”举个🌰:We've drawn up (= decided) a shortlist for the job. 咱们一经详情了该职位的最终候选名单。

  📍好意思式:short list是分开的。有shortlist就有longlist,真义即是“初选名单”(A long-list for something such as a job or a prize is a large group that has been chosen from all the people who applied for the job, or all the people or things that are competing for the prize. The successful ones from this group are chosen to go on the shortlist.)

  同期,两个词齐不错手脚动词,比如shortlist作动词,暗示“把…列入入围名单”举个🌰:Candidates who are shortlisted for interview will be contacted by the end of the week. 入围参加口试的求职者将在周末以前得到见告。


  beige /beɪʒ/ 暗示“米色;米黄色;浅棕色”,英文解释为“a pale brown colour”

  📍red flag /ˌred ˈflæɡ/ 暗示“危境信号;(用作危境信号的)示警红旗”,英文解释为“a flag used as a sign of danger”举个🌰:You're not allowed to swim when the red flag is flying. 示警红旗起飞的时候不允许游水。

  若是红色旌旗(red flag)是申饬信号,绿色旌旗(green flag)是吸引东说念主的记号,那么“beige flags”就像是东说念主际关系中的黄色交通灯——某个东说念主的特征可能不是决定性的负面身分,描摹的是既不好也不坏的某种特色,但如实会引起谛视。

  “beige flag”在当代鸠合和东说念主际关系语境中,用于描摹一些可能让东说念主以为对方无趣或世俗的特征或举止。这些特征天然不一定是关系中的决定性问题,但足以让东说念主在往复时产生一些逗留。




  作名词,1)暗示“(规划机屏幕上的)教导符(清晰规划机一经准备好给与指示)”,英文解释为“a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer is ready to receive your instructions”



  📍prompt华文里有译为“教导词”,prompt engineering 即是“教导工程/教导词工程”。

  2)暗示“(给演员的)提词,提白”,英文解释为“words that are spoken to an actor who has forgotten what he or she is going to say during the performance of a play”

  3)作动词,暗示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd. 他的讲话激起了东说念主群中一须眉的震怒。

  📺好意思剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此厄运。

  4)作动词,暗示“(尤指)给(演员)提词”,英文解释为“to help someone, especially an actor, to remember what they were going to say or do”举个🌰:I forgot my line and had to be prompted. 我忘词了,只有让东说念主提词。

  heat dome

  “Heat dome”是一个风物学术语,用来描摹一种特定的高压天气模式,它导致极度热的天气条款。这种征象发生时,一派大界限的热烈高压系统在特定地区变成褂讪的“盖子”,进犯空气上升,从而防护热量通过大气层逍遥掉。成果,这个区域内的热量和湿度被困住,导致温度显贵上升并合手续很永劫候。在“热穹顶”(heat dome)下,地表温度会急剧升高,有时会达到危境的水平,可能导致热浪和极点的高温天气。这种征象对环境、农业、健康和合座生涯质料齐可能产生严重影响。跟着全球自得变化的加重,热穹顶征象可能变得更为时常和严重。

  📍dome /dəʊm/ 1)暗示“穹顶;穹顶拓荒”,英文解释为“a rounded roof on a building or a room, or a building with such a roof”

  2)暗示“半球形”,英文解释为“a shape like one-half of a ball”举个🌰:Gerald had a long grey beard and a shiny bald dome (= head). 杰拉尔德留着长长的灰色髯毛,头秃得锃亮。


  Situationship是一个描摹非认真且未明确界定的间隙或性关系的术语(a romantic or sexual relationship that is not considered to be formal or established)。在这种关系中,参与者之间的关系突出了一又友关系,但又不到达欢跃的恋东说念主关系的进度。





  “It has been incredible to see the public once again enjoying being a part of the Word of the Year selection,” Grathwohl's statement said. “Witnessing thousands of people debate and discuss language like this reallyhighlightsthe power it has in helping us to understand who we are, and process what's happening to the world around us.



  作动词,暗示“使引起谛视,强调”,英文解释为“to attract attention to or emphasize something important”举个🌰:The report highlights the need for improved safety. 那份回报强调了加大安全力度的遑急性。

  作名词,暗示“最精彩的部分”,英文解释为“the best or most exciting, entertaining, or interesting part of something”举个🌰:Highlights of the match will be shown after the news. 比赛的精彩部分将在新闻之后播出。

  Each year, OUP chooses a word or expression that has reflected the last 12 months and has potential to have lasting cultural significance or provides asnapshotinto history. The 2021 word of the year, for example, wasvax, after COVID-19 vaccines were released.



  snapshot /ˈsnæp.ʃɒt/ 1)暗示“相片,快照”,英文解释为“a photograph”

  2)暗示“简介;简要情况”,英文解释为“a piece of information or short description that gives an understanding of a situation at a particular time”举个🌰:Credit rating agencies provide a snapshot of the risks an investment poses at any one time. 信用评分机构提供的是某一本事投资风险的简要情况。


  vax /væks/ 不错作动词,也不错作名词,暗示“(打)疫苗”。牛津辞书公布2021年度词汇:Vax. The Oxford Languages Dictionary defines vax as a vaccine or vaccination when used as a noun. As a verb, vax is defined as “vaccinate” or “treat (someone) with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease”.

  The announcement comes just after Merriam-Webster also named rizz one of the top words of 2023.


  - 词汇盘货 -

  pick up、 derive、 phrase、 catch on、 surpass、 linguistic、 mainstream、 spike、 evolve、 vernacular、 charisma、 influenza、 verb、 seduce、 chat sb up、 peak、 narrow sth down、 shortlist、 beige、 de-influencing、 prompt、 heat dome、 situationship、 parasocial、 highlight、 snapshot、 vax

  - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

  The phrase "heat dome," derived from climatic spikes, caught on and surpassed mainstream linguistic use, evolving into vernacular with the charisma of "influenza" as a verb. To seduce the language market, "vax" peaked, prompting "de-influencing" to narrow down jargon. A linguistic snapshot highlighted "beige" in a shortlist, as "chat sb up" evolved日本萝莉, picking up popularity.


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